Weird News: Attractive Colombian Politician Escapes Prison While on Furlough For Dental Work; Is Captured

Does this look like the face of a former Colombian senator turned criminal mastermind who was imprisoned for buying votes and then escaped from custody while at an appointment to get her grill lined up by an orthodontist?

If you said, “Yes. Yes, that certainly does look like the face of such a person!” then take pride in the knowledge that you are 100% right. Now, let’s get some more details from this story…

Source: Fox News: “A former politician in Colombia who was jailed for buying votes and later executed a brazen jailbreak during a dental appointment was captured Monday in Venezuela after several months on the run. Aida Merlano, 43, was arrested in the Venezuelan city of Maracaibo in the northwestern state of Zulia “after arduous investigations,” Miguel Domínguez, who heads Venezuela’s Special Action Force (FAES), announced on Instagram. The former senator was serving a 15-year sentence for buying votes in the 2018 parliamentary election, and for possession of an illegal firearm at the time of her brazen escape last October from an orthodontist practice in the Colombian capital city of Bogota.

The escape appeared to be an embarrassment for the nation’s prison system, with local media reporting shortly after that General William Ruiz was fired as director of the Colombian National Penitentiary and Prison Institute. Domínguez posted a photo of Merlano following her capture. He said the fugitive former lawmaker, who entered the country illegally, would be handed over to the Venezuelan prosecutor’s office. It was unclear whether Merlano would be extradited back to Colombia amid tense relations between the two countries.”

I have a lot of thoughts about this story. First of all, props to our girl Aida for not letting a little thing like a 15 year prison sentence deter her from taking stellar care of her pearly whites! She clearly is a believer in the theory of dental care that my grandmother has always preached to every family member who will listen, “Be true to your teeth; lest they be false to you!”. My Gram obviously knows a thing or two about maintaining chiclets because she’s 85 years old and has all of her teeth (Eat your heart out Polydent! Gram ain’t buying what you’re sellin!) Anyway, I digress. 

It’s highly commendable that Aida was making it a point to care for her teeth even behind bars. I think many of us might let hygiene slip a bit if faced with the prospect of almost 2 decades of hard time, but Aida took a different route. She didn’t just floss after each meal, brush her teeth, and follow with a few liberal swishes of mouthwash. She didn’t simply avail herself of the in-house standard prison dental care services located on site at the Colombian lock-up where she was being housed. No, this lady talked up some outside (and I’m guessing also very “out of network”) care for herself and this care was not just regular dentistry. Nope, Our Lady of Perpetual Vote Rigging and General Criminal Mischief talked herself up some full blown orthodontia! We’re taking the place where one goes to get braces, maybe score some fancy porcelain veneers, or even get carved up for full blown maxillofacial surgery should the situation call for it!

So, Aida (or Miss Merlano if you nasty) somehow convinced a prison guard to take her to the orthodontist. I’m imagining the visit was going along pretty normally. The doctor had probably  complimented Aida on the wonderful job she was doing caring for her teeth despite the challenging conditions of her incarceration. Aida had probably just picked out what color retainer she wanted and the doctor was probably starting to wrap up the whole appointment. Most likely, as Aida was checking out at the front desk and a nurse was probably offering her a sticker for being a “good little patient” was the moment when all hell broke loose as Aida pulled out a Glock that she had had an accomplice stash in the dental chair for her. She probably then pointed the gun at the prison guard, and jumped out the window of the office like some kind of Colombian Jason Bourne! 

From there Aida did something no-one would expect: This chick fled TO Venezuela! That’s right, she fled to what is arguably the worst country in all of South America right now. We’re talking a nation in which people are starving and are so hungry that they actively trying to FLEE to COLOMBIA (the nation where Aida was bailing from) just to have enough food to eat so that the don’t die. 

Not simply staying in Colombia is a really odd move for even more reasons. I mean, we’ve all seen Narcos on Netflix. If that show taught us anything it’s that Colombia is the nation where Pablo Escobar, a repulsively fat, murderous crime lord pretty much ran the place as he saw fit for over a decade. I’m pretty sure that with her pearly white smile and general can do approach to life (this woman somehow spoke into existence first rate medical care while serving a 15 year prison sentence in a third word lockup) Aida could have simply declared herself the new leader of the city in which she escaped, been accepted by the locals as their new leader, and then lived out her days in relative peace and tranquility just brushing thoroughly after each meal and maybe even rigging an occasional municipal election for old times sake. But no, homegirl went chasing waterfalls and booked it to Venezuela rather than sticking to the Colombian rivers and lakes that she was used to and now she’s been captured and her return to Colombia seem eminent. All I can say is Aida Merlano, I tip my hat to you, you legend of the lockup. May your smile continue to brighten whatever prisons you find yourself in for the next several decades. 

Not all heroes wear capes… Also, “Sup?!?!

Weird News: Squirrel Begs for Help from Lady Walking in Park


The Pulaski Police Department in Virginia shared a story that you have to see to believe — and luckily, it was caught on camera. A woman walking on a park trail noticed a squirrel was following her. What happened next led her to call the police. 

Tia Powell was in Kiwanis Park when she was “approached by a squirrel,” the police department wrote on Facebook. “The squirrel stood in her way on the trail.” Powell realized the squirrel wasn’t going to harm her — and it was also not going to leave her alone.

Powell told CBS News there was an injured baby squirrel there, too. So, she decided to take the mama seriously when it tugged on her pant leg.

This is a weird story and there is quite a lot to unpackage. First things first, I need to commend this squirrel for being an example to all of us of how to advocate for oneself. The old maxim, “Ye have not because ye ask not”, is clearly something this squirrel took to heart. This mama squirrel needed immediate attention from outsiders to help her resolve her situation and there was nothing that was going to stop her from getting it even if doing so meant she had to harass total stranger, park power walker, Tia Powell. 

“I was shocked and speechless and excited because it had never happened before,” Powell told CBS News. “I felt bad because I pushed it away the first time instead of just waiting to see. My children and I love animals, so to see it hurt and the mom couldn’t help was sad.”

Shame on you Tia. Shame. Shame. Shame. When a squirrel rolls up on you, grabs your pant leg, and begs for help you do not shoo that squirrel away. Not at all! You stop what you’re doing and immediately see what that mangy tree rat wants. Maybe I’ve lived an uncharacteristically squirrel free life, but I have NEVER had a squirrel stroll up to me in a park (or any place for that matter) and start tugging on my pant leg in a quest for attention. If and when that happens you can best believe I’ll be immediately directly all of my attention to figuring out what that squirrel wants and also probably checking to make sure I’m not losing my mind or imagining the whole encounter.

Powell moved the injured baby off the path, but the mom still would not leave her alone. “I noticed that they were following me the whole time,” she said. “The baby was struggling to walk and the mom kept on going ahead and then coming back.” 

She fed the squirrels a sandwich she had with her and watched them try to hop up into a tree. When she realized the baby squirrel was still struggling to get up the tree, she decided to call in backup.

I commend Tia for trying to do the right thing here, but I have to blow the whistle and throw a penalty flag because Tia messed this one up. I don’t know how to put this gently so I’m just going to say it: Squirrels don’t want sandwiches. There. I said it. Let that sink in for a moment. I mean just ask yourself when was the last time you were cruising through a park and saw a squirrel kicking back standing on a fallen tree and just going to town eating a sandwich. I can tell you when: Never and the reason you haven’t seen this is because squirrels aren’t into sandwiches. Squirrels live in trees. Sandwiches live in the kitchens of suburban homes and sub shops located in strip malls. At not time do sandwiches enter the venn diagram of foods squirrels have access to eat. Squirrels eat tree nuts, vegetables, and fruit (shout out to a quick Google search for providing this valuable nugget of information). If squirrels were into sandwiches we’d see them massing around Subway shops to taste the masterpeices those“sandwhich artists” crank out from the assembly line. Anyway, I commend the squirrels for wisely nibbling on the sandwich to appease Tia while trying to get her to see the real issue: The injury to the baby squirrel.

 Powell called her friend and the Humane Society, but the Pulaski Police Department arrived. “In their defense, I did sound like a crazy lady saying the squirrels wouldn’t let me leave. But they showed up and assisted as much as they could,” Powell told CBS News.

Imagine being the cop who gets dispatched to handle this call. Dude probably signed up for this job a decade ago hoping to bust some perps to make the world a safer place. He most likely imagined himself going on stakouts,  getting into car chases, and maybe, just maybe, if the stars aligned just right he would get into a wild west style shootout. His life was going to be a non-stop adventure with unlimited donuts mixed in as an added bonus! Now, flash forward 10 years and instead of living out episodes of CSI in real life my man finds himself answering phone calls about distressed park dwelling rodents. Talk about a downgrade!

Powell didn’t know how the baby squirrel got injured, but she thought a nearby stray cat was the culprit. So, the group of rescuers decided to move the squirrels to a safer area.

I’m glad the story had a happy ending and that the squirrel got moved to a “safer area”, but we do need to address a key detail of the last sentence from the paragraph above: Apparently, there was a “group of rescuers”. Look, I’m not a first responder, nor am I a second or third responder (if those even exist), but I do consider myself to be a fairly rational person and one thing I know is that moving an injured squirrel from one part of a city park to another in no way requires a “group of rescuers”. These people weren’t trying to extract Baby Jessica from a west Texas well hole, free Chilean miners from a collapsed shaft (pause), or find a way to extract that team of Thia soccer kids who got trapped in a flooded underground cave system. They were trying to move one baby squirrel. I really think that could have been done by a single person instead of the mass of humanity I imagine was on the scene live streaming this “dramatic” rescue. Anyway, in conclusion, I’m glad the situation ended fine and always remember this piece of ancient squirrel wisdom: Protect your nuts!